Thursday, April 16, 2015

Embers of Time--By Joyce I. Johnson--United States

Embers of Time

Time comes--time goes and we forget
The wonder of its being.
The sights it brings to dazzle us
We see without the seeing.

But lo, there comes a special day
When we mark every minute,
A time when everything is right
And every moment in it.

Such a day is this one
With Easter Sunday dawning.
I know I'll see all those I love
Before the nighttime's yawning.

Time to remember--time to keep
Within my book of living.
I am so grateful to my God
For the special times He's giving.

Joyce I. Johnson lives in the beautiful Skagit Valley of Washington State. She owns a small farm and rents her land to a bulb grower. She is surrounded by beauty in the spring from the tulips and daffodils that inspire much of her poetry. Joyce celebrated her 96th birthday in July of 2014.


  1. holy smokes! 96, farming, and lovely poetry!

  2. Hi, Joyce, you are so beautiful and so is your precious poem. I love it! Sheri

  3. Such a beautiful poem Joyce, with lovely images lingering upon each thought.
    Blessings always, Leokadia

  4. A lovely poem Joyce. Your words reveal your love of the Lord & His
    influence in your life! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful inspiration. God bless you, Chris~

  5. loved your poem Joyce. Especially like the line of "seeing and not seeing". Watching for more. Ron G

  6. Very nice work, Joyce. I really enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  7. Very nice poem, enjoy the beautiful spring!

  8. yes, such a special time to be with those we love. I hope you're feeling better now, dear Joyce xxx

  9. Dear Joyce, Your poems are always so lyrical and special that they sing! I adored this inspirational poem in tune with Divine spirit. Blessings, Connie
