Friday, January 26, 2018

The Afterglow--By Arthur Turfa--United States

The Afterglow

In your purgatory the flames plagued you,
especially in the year of silence.
Did my words deliver any solace
to you as you wandered in the wasteland?
My orisons rising, crashing like waves
against a distant, unresponsive shore.
When you reached the ridge leading to the light,
the downward path proved easier. Once more
you smiled. Healing poured over you in waves
of light. Again, you shone with the brightness
of unending sunlight and loving warmth.
The afterglow burst upon me, giving
renewed hope and rejoicing beyond words.
As best as I can, I give them expression.

Arthur Turfa lives in South Carolina, but his poetry reflects the many places where he has lived or traveled.  His next book, Saluda Reflections, comes out from Finishing Line Press in June 2018. He has two other books of published poetry.


  1. Dear Arthur,

    Your poem makes me muse how a positive spirit can conquer dark times. Well written piece.

    Best wishes,

    1. Inge, I am glad that you read my poem! You understood exactly what it is about. Thanks again!

  2. I enjoyed your piece Arthur, thanks for sharing!

  3. I am glad that you enjoyed this, Peggy! Thanks for reading and commenting!
