Monday, January 8, 2018

Canyon Lights--By Ellen Huang--United States

Canyon Lights

Out from rock and canyon ash, castle towers and city lights
reach toward the nightly cosmos. My friend and I,
we make haste to catch this vision, our meteor shower, our heaven--
Till the counselors pull down the tarp, obscuring all that future from us.
We drop our camera and canvas, trapped in that total eclipse.
The camp is hypnotized by a black-and-white film projection on the tarp.
Yet my friend and I strive--there are dances in autumn's flaming leaves
without burning, there are eagle wings for soaring on this side
of the sun, there are homes in the wild and laughter in the trees,
and oceanic new Jupiters and Neptunes arise at the edge of the world. 


  1. Dear Ellen,

    You wrote a poem with a lot imagery, inspired by a magical phenomenon. Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes,

  2. Very poetic, Ellen. I enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!


  3. Dear Ellen,

    Congratulations on having two lovely comments on your poem. I agree with Inge about your use of imagery. Welcome to Whispers. I hope you will continue to share your words for our poetry journal/community.


  4. Ellen, I enjoyed reading this! I could picture myself actually there.

  5. Interesting piece, I enjoyed reading it.
