Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Broken--By Maurice J. Reynolds--United States


She lies still, her body frozen
in a nightmare that repeats
itself day in and day out; her
breath faint, signs of life are
just pants; wings broken,
unable to fly; hope entangled
in a net woven to inflict fear
and false truth.  Her dreams
crushed under the weight of
mankind’s evil intentions to
satisfy flesh and greed.

Maurice J. Reynolds is a freelance writer who has had material published in various publications. He is the owner of To God be the Glory! Publications, a literary ministry that produces the poetry publication Creative Inspirations.  More information can be found at:


  1. Dear Maurice,

    A poignant poem, sadly not all can bear the burdens of life.
    A well-written piece, thank you for your contribution.

    Best wishes,

  2. A powerful statement, Rev. Reynolds, I'd like to live in a world where this kind of poem would be unimaginable...
