Saturday, January 6, 2018

Surreal--By--Vivian Wagner--United States


A water main broke, flooding a dream yard.
It was an emergency that my unconscious brain couldn’t
fathom, except as a reason to call my mom.
She was unavailable in all the ways she was
always unavailable: scattered, unfocused,
unable to see me as anyone other than a mixed-up teenager.
I gave up on her, in all the ways I learned to give up on her.
I turned an oily gear and shut down the main, even as I
kept listening to the thin, strange strands of her voice.


  1. Dear Vivian,

    Your poem gives us something to ponder about. A reflecion of feelings in our dreams. Well written piece.

    Best wishes,

  2. Dear Vivian,

    What a joy to see you already have a comment on the realities of life. So many people wait for their parents to act different, hoping they will see a glimmer of love. I hope each person moves closer to the center as one can't replace parents. I have been blessed with mine.

    Best wishes,

  3. Vivian,
    Great poem. I enjoyed it!
    Your new friend,
    David Fox

  4. Strong and passionate poem, Vivian. I enjoyed reading it. Continued blessing to you!


  5. I enjoyed your work, welcome to Whispers.
