Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cherished Desires--By Edilson Afonso Ferreira--Brazil

Cherished Desires

I feel I could never be related to owls, bats  
and wolfs, or other nocturnal animals.
I love at daylight to stare at the world face to face,
entirely visualizing all its beauties.  
I love the sunrise that dispels the blackness,
exposing and revealing everything, without   
shame, measure or prudency.
I love to feel that we’re on the road again,  
to a future we aren’t aware of, but confident
in one Almighty that, closely and affectionately,
although hidden and discreet, guides all of us.  
I love the noise of people on streets and alleys,
corners and places,  
jointly seeking to move the hard wheel of time.
I prefer love vows done clear under the sun
than those by the rapture of night passions.
I must confess that, on some sunny days
and a blue sky,
I dream to ride the winds high and high, 
looking for the lost realms of Paradise.

(Published in Indiana Voice Journal, Sept./Oct. 2017 issue.)

A Brazilian poet, Edilson Afonso Ferreira, 74, writes in English rather than Portuguese. Largely published in international and selected literary journals in print and online, he began his literary life at age 67, after his retirement as a graduate employee at a Bank. Ferreira lives in a small town (Formiga – MG), with wife, three sons and a granddaughter. His first Poetry Book, Lonely Sailor (one hundred poems), is scheduled for publication in 2018.


  1. So realistic. I love the imagery

  2. Dear Edilson,

    A wonderful poem, makes me muse about light and darkness.
    Well written.

    Best wishes,

    1. Really, I'm a lover of light and at night I long for the dawn. This is part of my way of being, I like things very clear and transparent. So I'm by birth. Your words are so important for me. Thank you.

  3. lovely write, especially like the last line

  4. Very nice. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings, Edilson.

    MJ (
