Friday, January 26, 2018

My world--By Sravani singampalli--India

My world          

I always wondered about strange things
I had my own fantasies
In my endearing little world
I would wander like a dandelion
Among the blooming trees.
There were fishes which could sing
Birds which could dance like me
And flowers which could talk to me.
I had wings to fly high
In the sky of rainbow colours.
I had no desires
I had no impure thoughts  
No secrets to be kept
In my world, I was a perfect person
At least I had the freedom
To be truly myself and
No fear of being caged
In a desolate cave of limitation

Sravani singampalli is a published writer and poet from India. She is presently pursuing doctor of pharmacy at JNTU KAKINADA university in Andhra Pradesh, India.


  1. You did an excellent job of setting a scene! I could see everything you described! A deft use of language.

  2. Thank you, Sravani, your poem is lovely! A joy to read.

    Best wishes,

  3. Dear Sravani,

    Thank you for sharing this whimsical which made me smile. It's good to see you already have some comments on your poem. Welcome to Whispers! I hope you enjoy spending time spent here.


    1. Thank you so much ma'am for publishing my poem.

  4. Enjoyed your work, thanks for sharing!
