Monday, May 12, 2014

Great Tree--By David Austin--United States

Great Tree

tree out my window
the various multitudes
call your branches home

world within a world
a mystery large to small
and each blade of grass

David Austin is professional violinist and teacher, who communicates through poetry. He has played with the Cincinnati Symphony, taught at Colorado College and various public schools. He is a published author, who has been writing poetry and novels for over 40 years. His pride and joy is a shelter in which he feeds and cares for animals.  David is a member of Poetry Soup.


  1. David, I am surrounded by tree's where I live
    and each tree has it's own personality and a story behind it. Thank you for such a great read. Mary

  2. Hi David. Thank you for sharing. Your poem reminds me of this big tree in our front yard when I was a kid that I sat under to hide from the hot sun in the summer months. I would sit there and meditate. Such a peaceful and good time. Continued blessings!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

  3. Hello, David, there seems to be a kind of spiritual message within your words and the joy about it is that one could get a multitude of meanings out of it. To me, I like the spiritual thought because it brings out a softness and deeper meaning of life. Beautiful! Sheri /

  4. Dear Daver,
    Indeed a tree is a home to birds and many other creatures. I love the way you describe it as a "world within a world." Surely, that is the case. It was wonderful talking to you today and I remain your fan always. Love, Carolyn

  5. Hi Dave:
    I am such a tree lover and nature buff.
    You helped me escape into the spiritual feeling that
    observing nature brings.
    Blessings you,
