Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Beauty’s Demise--By Jan Henson--Turkey

Beauty’s Demise
(Terza Rima Sonnet)

A beauty all of her glorious young days,
Is it lost as she gets to her elder years?
She keeps her vanity in various ways.

Hoping to be valued by her unkind peers,
Her makeup she applies with the greatest care,
She keeps at bay the sting of sad, salty tears.

Never allowing her face to be seen bare,
Or her hair to fall out of it’s given place.
When alone in the mirror she will just stare

Past the veil of wrinkles that cover her face
To the girl, of the past, with flashing green eyes
That set men’s hearts fluttering and blood to race.

Now her beauty has reached it’s final demise
Her soul has taken beauty up to the skies.

Jan Henson has written poetry for a few years. She finds it an enjoyable experience.  When she attended school in England (in the ‘50’s) poetry seemed such a dry medium and she wasn’t all that impressed.  After school, she became a hairdresser and continued the profession after her marriage and birth of her four children.  When her youngest was three, she started working nights at a nursing home.  She realized her passion for the profession and became a nurse.  She worked in the healthcare industry for 20 years.  After her children were grown, she retired to Turkey where she currently lives.


  1. Hi, Jan. Your poem is so indicative of where we tend to place our values. Although, there are many women whose beauty shines from the inside - out......... thank you for sharing such a cool poem. Love the triplets, too! I did send you a message on Pat's site - but apparently you didn't get it. Nice to see you here on Whispers. Sheri / www.poetryandbeyond.net

  2. Hi Jan! This is bitter sweet ... makes me hope that when such a time comes, the person staring back at me in the mirror, will be someone I would have grown to accept with grace and love.


  3. Heyla Jan!
    This touched my heart in sooooo many ways....
    The Once-Child has now grown....
    Wisdom has gained a foothold through life's experiences....
    Once again...the mirror holds the secrets of the person looking within...
    Thank you, Dear Lady....for this most powerful share....
    Please keep in touch!!
    Brightest Blessings to you and yours!

  4. Such a wonderful write Linda. Sunshine and smiles all the way.Much enjoyed. take good care and keep on writing. Warm best wishes. Pete.

  5. Jan , what a beautiful poem so delicate and heartfelt my tears were embracing every word.
    Thank you! Mary

  6. Hi Jan! I enjoyed this excellent write of yours. Perhaps we men do not rely that much on mirrors and make-up, but it does not mean that we do not appreciate the fact that women love looking their best! Why not! Take care. // paul
