Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dad’s Day--By Gerald A. McBreen--United States

Dad’s Day

You always seemed to find a way
   to make fun times even funner.
Challenged us to climb the ladder
   to its highest rung.
When we thought we had run our race
   you were there to up the pace.
Stretch our limits is what you taught.
You were the sparkle in our lives
   the tonic to chase away the blues.
Now my sons tumble and jump
   catch the ball and run amuck.
Dad, I can’t think of a better way
   to honor you on this special day
   than to be for them the father
   you were for me.

Gerald A. McBreen found poetry after he retired from the US Postal Service. He discovered he had a flair for romance. He has been publishing for ten years with True Romance and their related magazines. He is the coordinator for Striped Water Poets. They sponsor an “open mic” every first Wednesday of the month. They also post 'Poems on Posters' around the area. In 2009 Pacific, Washington celebrated its 100th anniversary, and he was appointed Poet Laureate. (2009 - 2013)


  1. Gerald, super poem remembering your Dad. I love the sweetness of it. Good to read you here on Whispers! Sheri -

  2. Dear Gerald, Your father was a great source of motivation for you and it's wonderful that you can use the inspiration he provided to encourage your children to reach the "highest rung." God bless you and enjoy this Father's Day!

    Best wishes,

  3. Thanks, Gerald. This makes me think of my father. I really miss him as he has gone on to be with the Lord. Thank you or sharing. Continued blessings!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

  4. Gerald,
    I am not a father, but this brought back memories with my father, who is still living (thank the Lord). Miss you in "The Poet's Art" but have seen your work in "Pancakes in Heaven" and it is good!
    Your friend,
    David Fox
