Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My Bunny--By Jane Richer--Canada

My Bunny

I have a little bunny and it lives there under my bed,
I tried to cage it, but it prefers to burrow there instead.

For awhile I often wondered if it might be a he or she?
But yesterday my prayers were answered; for last night I found not one but three!

Two more little bunnies just like their mom all balled-up in grey and white,
I had to dim my flashlight so that I would not give them such a fright.

I ran and told my older brother and he started to laugh and snort,
He said that these kind of bunnies were not at all the common sort.

'They do not burrow in the bushes or live in a hole, stump or under a hill,
So turnip greens, apple peels and bits of carrots their stomachs will never fill.'

'So little sister; hush, hush for this sacred secret I must now in you entrust,
Tell no one, for these are magical bunnies and completely made of dust!'

Jane Richer is a poet and writer who lives in Alberta, Canada. She is published online and in print. She loves to poke fun at herself and rather likes to write tongue-in-cheek poetry but she will dabble in all kinds of genres to widen her creative nature. She loves to 'sister'-(write a complimentary poem) and feels that is the greatest form of acknowledgment and respect in expression for another poet's talent.


  1. Oh, Jane, I am relieved the "bunny issue" is not just mine, but is actually universal! I laughed out loud reading your words, which to me are clever and artistically placed! Very cute, very lively and hopefully, I am not the only one who "laughed out loud!" Sheri /

  2. Wow!!! I love this story told in verse. What a delight it is to read of the bunny 'neath your bed. I chuckled when you found "not one but three" as bunnies are known for multiplying quickly. The ending was magical! Thank you so much for bringing a smile to my face with your wonderful poem!

    Love and blessings,

  3. A clever & pleasant poem. Thank you Jane for bringing a smile to my face along with a chuckle. Enjoyable piece! ~Chris

  4. Fun and cute. Thanks for sharing, Jane. This is one of those poems that just puts a smile on your face. Continued blessings!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations
