Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chicken Soup--By Jim Teeters--United States

Chicken Soup

I’ve boiled the bones of 
baked and eaten chicken
                now cooled
reach into the pot
peel away the meat-remains
notice the intricacies of these 
                softened bones
woven together from a gooey
inner egg, grown into this
                marvelous creature
with brain enough to have known
how to live the chicken-life
                we’ll eat
                at suppertime
this God-created creature
                delicately formed
turned into tasty, healthy soup
                for our living
for this it died--
                our yummy gratitude

Jim Teeters has published poetry in several anthologies. He conducts poetry workshops for children and adults and is active in poetry readings in the Seattle area through the Striped Water Poets. He is the author of six poetry collections and the book, Teach with Style, (ASTD Press July 2013). Jim is a retired social worker living in Kent, Washington.


  1. A poem of honor for the humble chicken. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Dear Jim,
    This is a marvelous metaphor about life and could possibly be taken deeper still--thank you for making me think!

  3. Creative and well-written, Jim. I enjoyed "Chicken Soup." Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
