Friday, November 18, 2016

Evening in November--By Gert W. Knop--Germany

Evening in November (English)

Shadows intensify
in the fog of time.
Errors come to life
like dew on autumnal meadows.
In between fade
the dreams as if never dreamed
and the hours pass by
in the immersing light.
Words which do not repeat
glide away in the distance,
the day is lost
with last glow of a dying sun
on this cool November evening


Novemberabend  (German)

Schatten verdichten sich
im Nebel der Zeit.
Irrtümer werden lebendig
wie Tau auf herbstlichen Wiesen.
Dazwischen verblassen
die Träume wie ungeträumt
und die Stunden vergehen
im versinkenden Licht.
Worte, die sich nicht wiederholen
verklingen in der Ferne,
der Tag verliert sich
mit letztem Glühen der Sonne
am kühlen Novemberabend


Tarde en noviembre (Spanish)

Las sombras se intensifican
en la niebla del tiempo.
Los errores están vivos
como el rocío sobre los prados otoñales.
En medio se desteñen
los sueños como si jamás soñado
y las horas pasan
con la luz que hunde.
Palabras que no se repiten
se pierden lejos en la distancia,
el día se desvanece
con el último resplandor del sol
en la fresca noche de noviembre


Gert W. Knop, born in 1943, studies art and tropical agriculture in Germany and Scotland (University of Edinburgh). He has lived in many different countries and writes mainly in German, English and Spanish. He currently resides in Zittau (Saxony), Germany. 


  1. Dear Gert,
    I shall never again take for granted an evening in November!
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you Michael for your comment! Have a great new week, my friend!

  2. such a poignant but beautiful write, my friend

    1. Dear Jack, thank you for your comment! Will send yo an email soon! Love from Gert

  3. Hello Gert. Maybe its a character of translation, but having difficulty with likening
    the 'errors' with autumnal dew of the meadows. That being said, enjoyed the different view, expressed in this evening! All the best Ralph.

  4. Hi,Ralph, when I linked 'errors' with 'autumnal dew' I thought about 'errors' became suddenly visible like dew on meadows.
    Thank you for your comment. All the best Gert
