Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Haiku/Senryu--By Martha Magenta--England

the beach
where she drowned --
angel wings

an empty sea shell 
the sound 
of Genesis

night chill
a blanket of lights 
over the city

November rain
the cat's last visit
to the vet

summer meadow
a petal becomes
a wing

Martha Magenta lives in England, UK. Her poetry has appeared in The Reverie Journal, Whispers and Beaux Cooper; her haiku and senryu have been published in online journals, including Modern Haiku, Haiku Presence, and Chrysanthemum. She is owner of POETS poetry community on G+. https://marthamagenta.wordpress.com/      


  1. Dear Martha,
    These poems move me by providing a context for meditation.
    Thank you.

  2. Love the last one. They are all very spontaneous and enjoyable. Ralph

  3. All are nice, but the second resonates with me. I keep tryng to think of the poem about the shell that contains the sound of the sea.

  4. Lovely HAIKU , enjoyed reading ,
    Like much - night chill.....
    Thanks a lot

  5. Nice haiku, Martha. I enjoyed them all. Thank you for sharing. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (www.tgbtgpublictions.com)

  6. lovely collection, thank you for sharing.
