Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Special Feature Collaborative Poem--By Graça Costa—Portugal and Arthur Turfa—United States


By Graça Costa and Arthur Turfa

Dawn covered your absence
with a thick mist of pain.
Lost was I like a newborn bird
fallen from the nest.
Breathtaking the emptiness
overwhelming the need for warmth
causing me to pray for a miracle.

Before sunset I returned as
coolness crept through
the branches.
I called your name
at once you turned to me.
You were never
far from my mind.
I sought a place of
refuge for us.
Take my hand and let
me lead you through
the grove before the
moon rises above the trees.

By doing so we
create a brand new world
where absence becomes presence
and our smiles create
rainbows to enlighten the heavens.

We stand in brilliant light
never more to be separated
in an embrace that touches
our souls and our bodies.


  1. A beautiful poem Graça and Arthur!

  2. It was na imense pleasure this collaboration with my dear friend Arthur Turfa.
    Hope you all enjoy the readind as much as we enjoyed the writing.

  3. Thanks, Martha! This is my first collaboration and I am pleased with the result. Graça is very talented; I admire poets who write in another language!

  4. Enjoyed the read of your co-write, my friends! Thank you Graca and Arthur for your contribution!

  5. Dear Graça and Arthur,

    It's obvious you both sense each other when I read this collaboration. It's a great result and I like the way the poem switches from a desperate beginning into a togetherness of Love and Trust.
    I hope your poem inspires other poets to write together, as you both experienced, it's joyful and challenging.
    Thank you for this contribution.

    Best wishes,

  6. A lovely seamless collaboration, Graça and Arthur. Absence and longing turn into a loving reunion. ~ Regards // paul

  7. An energy of presence, Love is eternal.
    Enjoyed reading this one!
    James Dean

  8. A very beautiful, sensitive poem. Touching imagery.

  9. Garca and Arthur,
    The two of you have written a fabulous poem together! Nice job!
    Your friend,
    David Fox

  10. Inebriante, silencioso, comovente! Bjs

  11. So incredibly beautiful, a perfect match of two poets who although on different continents write as one in the universe.

  12. Lovely write. Creative and nice imagery. Thank you both, Graca and Arthur, for sharing. Continued blessings!


  13. I am astounded at not only the number of comments, but the way that we have touched so many people with this effort. Speaking for Graca as well, I/we are humbled and honored.

  14. Its such a pleasure to read you kind words. It was an outstanding experience to both of us and its really nice to fell that it touched you. Bless you all. As Arthur said earlier, we are humbled and honored.

  15. Graca and Arthur, I truly enjoyed the passion in the lovely read. Thank you for an excellent collaboration.
    Sincerely, Charlene

  16. Nicely coupled to lover heaven Grace
    Knight Writer
