Sunday, April 8, 2018

Water of Gladness--By Bruce Mundhenke-United States

Water of Gladness 

May the love of the Lord,
And the beauty of His creation,
Become a river and a stream,
That may flow through your heart,
And fill it overfull
With the water of gladness

Bruce Mundhenke writes poetry in Illinois, where he lives with his wife and their dog and cat. He finds in nature beauty, inspiration, and revelation.


  1. Great printed thoughts Bruce
    I loved irrigating my soul
    with your water of gladness
    Knight Writer

  2. What a lovely poem. It is a prayer we all need when life becomes too much.

  3. Dear Bruce,

    Thank you for sharing your inspiring poem with us.

    Best wishes,

  4. Nice write, Bruce. I enjoyed the spiritual uplifting tone. Thank you for sharing. Continued blessings!


  5. Ah...yes, we need more of the water of gladness.

  6. Ah the water of gladness can be found no other way than through focusing on the love of God and all the evidence of that love. Thank you for sharing your wonderful faith in this lovely poem. I am going to memorize this and share it with myself daily as it seems to be a directive to me at this time.
    Sincerely, Charlene
