Saturday, January 9, 2016

~Soul Serenade~--By Blanca Alicia Garza--United States

~Soul Serenade~

Bare my soul but not my skin;
touch my heart, but not my body.
Talk to me in the most sweet and
beautiful way, run your fingers
through my skin and write me a
love poem. But never shall you
feel the music and wonders of
my body until you finally learn
the song of my soul. I will touch
your body like a fine guitar,
leaving heart prints all over you.
My soft and delicate caress will
serenade your heart and I'll find
the path to your soul and make
you forever mine through eternity.

Blanca Alicia Garza is a published Poet. She resides in Las Vegas Nevada and loves writing and spending time with her family and "Jack" her cat. She is published in the Whispers’ Collaborative Section with Ken Allan Dronsfield, a poem titled, "Autumn Skin."


  1. I want to take a moment and congratulate Blanca on her first 'solo' poem officially published. She writes with her heart and I'm so happy to see "Soul Serenade" here on Whisper's. Beautiful poem, Nice job Blanca!!!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement Ken Allan Dronsfield,blessings.

    2. This poem is extremely beautiful and I congratulate Blanca for a truly artfully crafted poem. Judy Moskowitz

  2. Nicely done Mom! So proud of you!

  3. Blanca Alicia Garza has also submitted poems for my review of an upcoming book likely titled: Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze in following months, editor, poet, Michael Lee Johnson, Itasca, IL

  4. Dear Blanca,

    It is wonderful to see your first solo poem at Whispers getting some lovely comments. It is good to have you a part of our online journal/poetry community. I hope you are enjoying your time spent here.


    1. Dear Karen,

      Thank you for the warm welcome and selecting my poem, Soul Serenade for publishing. It is a dream come true!

      Blessings to all,

  5. Blanca,
    You poem is very passionate and sensual. Congratulations on you first solo poem on Whispers.
    Your friend,
    David Fox
