Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Done Deal--By Ndaba Sibanda--Saudi Arabia

A Done Deal

the view could be blurred by
roaring and furious mists over
high mountains and sharp rocks
the road could be filled with thorns
and bottomless potholes and explosives
like an eagle—Thembani---soars beyond
the hurdles and prevailing situation around him
like an eagle he knows that as he soars the snakes
he is clutching in his fist are a done and defeated deal
like one Isaac he is prospering in the face of adversities!

Ndaba Sibanda is a Zimbabwean-born writer. His poems, essays and short stories have been published in Africa and the USA. Ndaba currently lives and teaches in Saudi Arabia. Of his career, he says, "writing is my life, and my second wife".


  1. Dear Ndaba,
    Like the way the eagle soars above and beyond the hurdles life presents.
    Thank you.--Michael
