Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Storm--By Suzanne Clement--United States

The Storm

The high waves that pound on the shore
Are made by the Lord whom I adore.
As they break upon the sand,
I know it’s the work of God’s hand.
In the darkness of the night,
I see their caps of white
And hear them as they pound
Making a thundering sound.

But in the midst
Of all this
God is here.
I need have no fear.
For my Lord and Guide
is here beside
Me. So I’m not alone
Though the wind may moan
And howl and screech and wail,
God’s presence here shall not fail!

Suzanne Clement is a writer from Dover, New Hampshire.


  1. Suzanne,
    A beautiful spiritual poem!
    Your friend,
    David Fox

  2. Very inspiring, Suzanne. Thank you for sharing "The Storm." I enjoyed it. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  3. To Maurice and David--Thank you for your thoughts on Susanne's inspirational poem. I will send these comments to her.

    Suzanne--Your words speak of the light in your heart. Keep your words flowing.

    Blessings to all of you,
