Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Old Fishing Fond--By John W. (Bill) Williams--United States

The Old Fishing Fond

Memories of boyhood days come
tiptoeing across my mind,
coloring it with the reflections
of summers on Grandma’s farm…
My mornings were spent
at the old fishing pond,
where I’d wait impatiently
for a nibble at the bait;
when I hooked a fish,
my heart always leaped excitedly.
These were times
of happiness and satisfaction…
What a joy it would be
to return to the old fishing pond,
but too much time has past
and the distance is too far to travel.
Yet, I am still blessed to recall
these memories with a smile.

John W. (Bill) Williams is a retired language arts and children’s literature educator.  He lives in Martin, GA, where he stays busy with his art and poetry.  He has been published in a variety of venues.


  1. John,
    I remember this poem from Pancakes in Heaven. John you are a true inspiration and a great friend! Thanks for sending me your book, "A Cup of Warm Words".
    Your good friend,

  2. Hi John, lovely to reminisce and still have such sharp memories, thank you for sharing this lovely piece.

  3. What a joy your "The Old Fishing Pond" is, John. Another nicely-written poem. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

  4. Dear Friends,

    Thank you for your kind words for John on his lovely poem. I will send them to him by mail. John, you have such a gift for words--inspirational messages to uplift others. Wishing you the best always, my friend.

