Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Simple Joy of Art--By Victoria Anderson Throop--Alaska, United States

The Simple Joy of Art

When eyes delight upon a work of Michelangelo—gut grinding art--
Creation by a mere man, from his enchanted hands
explode results of David –perhaps a heavenly message to impart

to the earthbound, scattered world flung far in lands--
mountain wrapped, plain dirt plains or sea-bound rocky shores.
Vagabonds, they come to marvel by foot or cart. In awe they stand

before the stone made man. Walking through the door,
drawn to David’s splendid daunting beauty—his far gaze
imparts to the viewer-- in that instant, in this life there is nothing more

of beauty needed to be seen. Years pass, nights will follow days
yet thoughts of this wondrous creature never waiver, never fade
but haunt delightedly like a nightlight in the darkness. What manner is there to praise

the artist for a gift so long lasting? Repeated thoughts played
reflecting David's beauty --and played again—durable throughout the years,
Clarified and Magnified in time, not diminished--when mind is disarrayed


Sometimes grant writer and avid reader, Victoria and her binoculars haunt a lands end highway at Valdez, Alaska. Closer to Russia than New York, she spends her time writing and absorbing the magnificence of nature. As an ESL teacher she has lived in China, Kenya, Israel and the USA. Single Mother of six grown children, she fills the empty nest with words.


  1. Yes, you focus on a genius such as Michelangelo! His talent is beyond mere mortal. His work is unparalleled, as you project in your words of praise! Indeed, the beauty of his works will never fade. Your poem us a very beautiful dedication to such a great artist! Sheri

    1. Sheri, thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. I would like to see a revival of poets inspiring the viewing/listening of other forms of art. It seems that modern writers have neglected this very important function. The search for beauty is one of the strongest yearnings of the human heart. I think one of the functions of a poet is to satisfy the needs of the reader by pointing a finger in the right direction. The reader, then, may join a band of pilgrims heading in the same direction! Victoria

    2. Yes, Victoria. I agree. In this very busy and troubled world of ours, we have neglected our heritage and our soul. I think perhaps that alone could be the crux of our many world problems. We are all so unique, and yet, we are all the same in our search for love and peace. Sheri

    3. A Japanese professor and I had this discussion a couple of years ago. His theory was that we have no heroes. Our society digs into the personal lives of every good person to magnify their faults, leaving our children with a sarcastic world view. Also we don't study the classics in school--kids don't know the myths and legends necessary to understand classic literature.

  2. Dear Sheri and Victoria,

    This is an interesting discussion. Hopefully, you will find that band of pilgrims at Whispers Victoria. We are definitely on a journey here, welcoming new writers along the way and supporting each other in a positive way. I have found beauty in diversity here. I am proud of the contributors of different circles, different levels, different cultures, etc. joining together to share the gift of words. Welcome Virginia! Glad to have both of you a part of this family.


    1. I just discovered the comments--I apologize for not replying sooner! I must say that I am delighted with the quality of the poetry I've seen on this site. And, also the remarks are useful and given in the spirit of assistance.So glad to have discovered this niche of poets...

  3. Hi Victoria. Welcome to Whispers. Thank you for sharing "The Simple Joy of Art." I thoroughly enjoyed it. Continued blessings to you!

    -MJ (

    1. Maurice--I am slowly learning to maneuver on this site! what a delight it is that readers take the time to comment on What they read. In the middle of the night, I often wonder what thoughts have been triggered by my words....thanks for giving me a glimpse.....Victoria

  4. Victoria, welcome to Whispers. You "carved" a beautiful description of Michael- angelo's work, "David'. I agree with you that we need more of the viewing/listening in writers works. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us here on Whispers.

    1. Charlene, thank you for taking the time to comment. I am always interested in a reader's point of view. It is encouraging to continue writing! V

  5. beautiful piece for a beautiful piece of art, Vic
