Friday, March 7, 2014

A Loving Bond--By Christine Tate--United States

A Loving Bond

Children love to cuddle
and bounce on daddy's knee,
curl up on his lap
and hug him tenderly.
Those are special times
when spoken words are few,
because a loving bond exists
just between the two!

There's no exchange of gifts,
nothing takes the place,
of precious little moments
two are locked in their embrace.

What daddy wouldn't love
with arms open wide,
a child who longs to hug
and snuggle by his side!
Now imagine how delighted
our Heavenly Father would be,
if all His children longed
to linger at His knee...

Christine Tate lives in New Jersey. She is the mother of three married sons and has eight grandchildren. She started writing inspirational poetry in 1994, and is blessed to encourage others and honor the Lord. She was widowed in 2007 and met her new husband Artie, a widower, in the nursing facility where their late mothers resided. They've been happily married for 2 1/2 years. Since neither of them ever expected to marry again, they consider it a "divine appt."


  1. Oh, Christine! I love your poem and the spiritual and eternal moment you paint! These moments indeed are beautiful ones, intimate ones, ones that the soul and the mind need to drink of love and life! I don't usually rate poems in my comments but this one is of "par excellence" and I congratulate you for sharing and knowing and feeling......... God bless! Sheri

    1. Thank you, Christine Tate, for the following comment--

      Hi Sheri, what a lovely comment you've written about my poem. I do appreciate you taking the time to read it. I'm glad it blessed you; it happens to be one of my favorites. The Lord is the reason for my inspirations! God bless you Sheri.

  2. Oh, how I love this one, Chris!!! Takes me right from memories of precious time spent with my dad to how sweet it is that of all relationships, our God chooses to be our Father. Touched, today, by your words... and His love. Lisa

    1. Thank you, Christine Tate, for the following comment--

      Thank you for reading and commenting on my poem. It's always a pleasure hearing from you! I very much appreciate your thoughts, and I love reading your poetry! God bless you my friend...In Christ's love, Chris

  3. Beautiful poem, Christine. Absolutely beautiful poem! The love of the Father in Heaven can't be matched. The love of a father to his children is something special. Really enjoyed reading this. It reminded me of when my grandson lays his head on my chest when I hold him. Beautiful. Continued blessings!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

    1. Thank you, Christine Tate, for the following comment--

      Thank you Rev. Reynolds for taking the time to comment on my poem. The Lord deserves our time and undivided attention daily. God bless you for your kind & encouraging words.

  4. Dear Christine, your poem reminded me of the joyful times spent on my own late father's knee. These are moments that are forever cherished. Dad told stories and taught me how football is played as I asked so many questions. Thank you for resurrecting these memories. And surely, I believe our Heavenly Father has room for all of us at His knee. Bless you for sharing this moving poem! Carolyn Devonshire

    1. Thank you, Christine Tate, for the following comment--

      I'm glad my poem was a blessing Carolyn. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. It's a joy to linger at God's knee! God bless you.

  5. Dear Christine, I truly loved your poem. It reminded me of the little song I used to sing when I was a child. "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home, glad as I can be, I clap my hands and shout for joy and climb upon his knee. I pat his cheek and give him what, a great big kiss." Indeed aren't loving daddy's a great blessing and I can hardly wait until I am with him and my Heavenly Father again. Thank you for sharing a truly magnificent poem.
    Love, Charlne

    1. Thank you, Christine Tate, for the following comment--

      Hi Charlene, I appreciate your kind comments. Thank you so much for reading my poem. I'm truly blessed & grateful to honor the Lord. God bless you.

  6. Dear Chris,

    Thank you for all the comments for other writers. You are so thoughtful and encouraging. I appreciate your ongoing support. Blessings to you.


  7. I love everything about your poetry Christine - I was very close to my Dad and even closer to my Heavenly Father. Beautiful reading that touches my heart...

    Rhoda Galgiani

    1. Thank you, Christine Tate, for the following comment--

      Thank you for taking the time to read my poem Rhoda. Your comment is so thoughtful & kind, and I appreciate it. God Bless you.

    2. A beautiful. poem, Always wanted to be a father myself. Well done best wishes. Pete.

  8. Thank you, Suzanne Clement, for the following comment--

    What a beautiful way you show the love between children and their father. Yes, I think God would be delighted if every child and adult did.

    Suzanne Clement

  9. Thank you, John Williams, for the following comment--

    Thank you for sharing you lovely poem! It found it quite touching!
