Tuesday, March 11, 2014

From City To Rusticity--By Ndaba Sibanda--Saudi Arabia

From City To Rusticity

They sought to escape
the distractions of a busy life,
the bustles and hustles of the city;
Then they packed their bags, off they
went with their wondering cats and dogs
to the remotest of villages where they hoped
to become farmers of simplicity  and tranquility.

Ndaba Sibanda is a Zimbabwean-born writer. His poems, essays and
short stories have been published in Africa and the USA. Ndaba
currently lives and teaches in Saudi Arabia. Of his career, he
says, "writing is my life, and my second wife".


  1. Dear Ndaba,
    Many people do not appreciate city life and I am one of them. It seems much easier to find happiness in rural areas where we are surrounded by the beauty of nature rather than the hassles of traffic, long lines at stores and higher crime rates. I'm sure there will be a lot of readers who can relate to this poem. Very artistically written! Best wishes, Carolyn

    1. Carolyn, at a certain stage in life, l guess ,we begin to appreciate more and more, the beauty and serenity of nature that is found in the rural areas. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. I love the notion of being a farmer of simplicity and tranquility. Oh, that our world were filled with such farms! Beautifully written. Lisa

    1. Lisa, l would like to have a "bumper harvest of simplicity and tranquility" at some point in my life! Thank you for your kind words.

  3. Ndaba, Thank you for such a well written poem I can sure relate to, as my love of the rural life supersedes the desire for the convenience of the big city any day. When I get to longing for the shopping conveniences of the big city I remind myself of the blessings of the rural life, tranquility being one of them. I loved reading this poem.

    1. Charlene. l am thinking of something alone these lines..."Blessed are the rural dwellers, for tranquility is likely going to dwell in them too". Thank you for sharing your views and sentiments about this piece.

  4. I like the simple direct format of your form with its great imagery and flow. Nice.

    1. Robert, as a future "farmer of simplicity and tranquility", l guess l had no choice but to adopt a corresponding ,simple direct format. Thank you for that spot-on observation.

  5. Dear Ndaba,

    I really enjoyed reading your poem today. I too enjoy the simplicity and tranquility of being away from the city, I find I have more peace of mind when I am around nature. You have decribed this well in your poem thank you for sharing it with us.

    Sandra Stefanowich

    1. Sandra,warm greetings! Your comments are much appreciated. l am tempted to come up with a simple slogan like: "Rural, the way to go.City ,goodbye (or is it good riddance?) Rusticity , warm welcome!"

  6. Well written and I love the idea of moving back into simplicity. I did and love it. Take care. Janet

    1. Janet,thank you! Please keep it simple. For simplicity is the mark of a true genius. Need l say more...? Blessings from me.

  7. Hi Ndaba -

    Guess life creates same scenes in many places. I love "the wondering cats and dogs."

    I guess it's not easy being moved around at he hand of another's whim.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Kathryn, l also think the cats were thinking along these lines,"We have roots here. Friends and lovers, and these people just whimsically bundle us together, and get on the road. For all our loyalty, this is what we get! Mhmmm. Maybe where we will eventually live, wild cats and dogs might give us a hard time!"

  8. "Farmers of simplicity and tranquility." Love it, Ndaba. Simplicity and tranquility is something real good to "sip" on. Beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing. Continued blessings!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations
