Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I Hear the Music--By Neil Creighton--Australia

I Hear the Music

When these limbs were strong,
when ears were young and clear,
when each day was unblinkingly bright,
much grand music I could not hear.

Now they hear a vast symphony
from stars traversing the night,
and these declining ears hear "alleluia"
from vast pinpricks of cosmic light;

hear a symphonic world
filled with the magic of sound,
hear it swell, rise, crescendo, fall,
echo, harmonise and resound;

hear it in a baby's cry,
hear it in each tiny cell,
hear in the twisted helix of DNA
a great song rise and swell,

hear it in rain and drop of dew,
in shining hair, in birds that throng
and raising my voice I cry aloud
"I hear the music! I sing the song!"

Neil Creighton is an Australian poet with a passion for social justice, a love of people and the natural world. His work as a teacher of Drama and English made him intensely aware of how opportunity is so unequally proportioned. His recent publications include Prosopisia, Poetry Quarterly, Praxis Online Mag, Silver Birch Press, Social Justice Poetry, Whispers  and Verse-Virtual, where he is a contributing editor. He blogs at windofflowers.blogspot.com.au 


  1. I be dancing to your words!

  2. well, that makes me happy. I'm dancing a little jig myself.

  3. Dear Neil,
    Thank you for the challenge of "awareness" you achieve in his poem. I was drawn in by the phrase "vast pinpricks of cosmic light".
    What a blessing,

  4. Hello Neil:
    A lovely celebration of the beautiful sounds of our world.
    Enjoyed this well expressed piece.
    Happy New Year, SuZ

  5. Thank you Isha for the following--

    A wonderful poem from this poet as it describes so well the sound of creation that resounds in everything and which I also did not hear when younger. How well Neil describes.

    Yours sincerely
    Isha Wagner
