Friday, December 2, 2016

Parable--By David Palmer--United States


Passing by, I know you spied upon
My barren field, potential even I
Was unaware lay there. But from your heart
You cast one precious golden seed, watered
With your tear, one hope, that this could all be
So. From deep within my being, asleep,
The giant woke, full knowing, love had come.
Patience made you wait that seed’s quickening.
That which you gave lives on this day, alive,
Returning dividends; For never shall
I be again the man I was back then.
Without this, a man lies crumpled on
Dusty ochre banks, but to know one thing,
A Woman’s love, gives him grace to stand tall.

David Palmer makes his home in Renton, Washington, just outside Seattle.  As a former minister, and avid reader, he is a lover of poetry and has written 88 sonnets, mostly for the delight of his friends.  He currently works for Bloodworks Northwest in Bellevue, Washington, a blood center supplying whole blood, platelets and plasma for transfusion to patients in hospitals in Alaska, Washington, and Oregon.


  1. Dear David,
    Like the music of "Parable" especially the way you create sounds using interlinear rhyme. Your message of change is poignant.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you so very much, Michael my friend. When I read this aloud to my daughter, she did not realize at first it was free verse because her ear picked up on the rhymes.

  2. Nice write, David. I enjoyed "Parable." Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

    1. Thank you so very much, my friend. All the best to you.
