Wednesday, December 28, 2016

In Memory with Love--Beth Winchcombe--October 2, 2015--England

Floating Spirit

Wings flutter
Shimmering gracefully
Through space
And time.


Dear Whispers Family,

It is a pleasure to share another poem in tribute to Beth. Sadly, we said good-bye to her in October 2015.  Beth embraced the Whispers community, supporting and caring about others with her kind heart.  She was a blessing in my life.  Beth shared her gift of words for monthly activities, collaborative poems, individual poems, and uplifting comments for other writers. She was our September 2015 Poet of the Month, an honor she richly deserved. She touched my heart. Thank you, to her husband, Geoff, and Jack Horne for allowing me the honor of publishing this poem.      –Karen O’Leary, Editor


  1. Dear Karen,
    Thank you for posting this tender poem by Beth.

  2. Thanks so much for letting us all continue to enjoy Beth's work, my friend - I know she's 'up there' smiling
