Friday, January 6, 2017

Lonely Path (English, German and Spanish)--By Gert W. Knop--Germany

Lonely Path (English)

Oh, the days,
why do they fly by so fast
like migratory birds at the horizon?
The rain over the river
plays with curling
tiny waves.
And now with the approaching evening
the lights glide by,
which shine tired
out of
old lanterns
like silent witnesses
of a past time
and of new loneliness.
The horizon yet shows a small and fainting
red of a now fading sun.
The lonely path gets dark
and quiet


Einsamer Weg  (German)

Ach, die Tage,
warum verfliegen sie so schnell
wie Zugvögel am Horizont?
Der Regen über dem Fluss
spielt mit sich kräuselnden
kleinen Wellen.
Und jetzt am nahen Abend
gleiten die Lichter vorbei,
die müde aus
alten Laternen leuchten
wie stumm gewordene Zeugen
einer vergangenen Zeit
und neuer Einsamkeit.
Der Horizont zeigt jetzt schon schwach
vergehend ein kleines
Rot einer sich verlierenden Sonne.
Der einsame Weg wird dunkel
und leise


Camino solitario (Spanish)

Oh, los días,
¿Por qué vuelan tan rápido
como aves migratorias en el horizonte?
La lluvia sobre el río
juega con encrespandos
pequeñas olas.
Y ahora con la noche cercana
las luces se deslizan,
que brillan canzadas
de viejos faroles
como testigos silenciosos
de un tiempo pasado
y nueva soledad.
El horizonte ya mostra un pequeño y desvaneciendo
rojo de un sol perdidoso.
El camino solitario se pone oscuro
y silencioso


Gert W. Knop, born in 1943, studies art and tropical agriculture in Germany and Scotland (University of Edinburgh). He has lived in many different countries and writes mainly in German, English and Spanish. He currently resides in Zittau (Saxony), Germany. 


  1. Dear Gert,
    I feel as if I'm walking along!
    This poem is so vivid with action, colors, and sound. I hear the "rain over the river."
    Thank you,

  2. Dear Michael, Thank you so much for your comment to my poem!
    I hope that New Year started good for you!

  3. Gert,

    I am in awe of your talent. Not just as a poet, but also as a poet who can translate a couple different languages. Your poem, "Lonely Path" is very well-written and touches the heart in places that, as Michael said, "Makes you feel like you are walking along." Nice work. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

    1. Dear Maurice, thank you so much for your kind words on my poem! Blessings, Gert

  4. wonderful descriptions in this sad but beautiful poem, my friend

    1. Dear Jack, I really appreciate your comment, my friend!
      Love from Gert

  5. I am in awe of your breathtaking imagery in this beautiful creative poem. It is always a pleasure to read your work Gert.
    Your melancholy verse transports my mood, yet the beauty of your words linger in the mind...inspiring! Blessings, Connie ; )

    1. Dear, thank you so much for your cordial comment and your words! :-),

  6. Wow Gert, what talent you have, master of three languages
    My choice is "Lonely Path" in English to paise your flowing
    words of beautiful scenery describing the quiet of the
    dark. I loved all the words that led up to that unique
