Monday, March 19, 2018

Request--By Partha Chatterjee--India


Dear friend,
If you love the sea,
don't cage it in an aquarium.

You may decorate your aquarium
with some Posidonia,
some swaying guppies,
garland of bubbles.
Oyster may lie with pebbles 

But if the blue water can't jig up
and down with the rising Moon,
If the blue water
can't hear the flapping wings of
Albatross summoning a storm,
if there are no footsteps
of Eternal Time on her shore.

She will die.

If you love the sea.
Don't cage it
in an aquarium. 

Partha Chatterjee lives in India with his wife and daughter. 


  1. Dear Partha,

    A very creative poem. Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes,

  2. "If you love the sea, don't cage it in an aquarium...." I love it. Nicely done, Partha. Thank you for sharing this delight. Continued blessings!


  3. Lovely work - very powerful last line

  4. Good request for the sea, Partha
    Knight Writer
