Friday, March 16, 2018

Thoughts From Whispers' Activity Features Editor--By Jack Horne--England

Dear Whispers’ Family,

I hope, like me, you find being part of our Whispers community rewarding. I wonder how many of you also belong to local writing groups. 

Giving and receiving feedback is a crucial part of the learning process. Constructive advice can be incredibly helpful, seeing how and why someone else's poetry works can be enlightening. 

I joined the Waterfront Writers group here in Plymouth, England some years ago. It helped me in many ways - but most notably to overcome my shyness of reading aloud in public. My first attempt at an Open Mic Night was nerve-racking. Afterwards, I wondered why I'd been so scared.

With local writing groups, the friendships forged and experience of writing with others is a growing experience. If you haven't tried collaborative writing, don't be shy - give it a go! I hope you'll all be part of Whispers for many years to come.


Jack Horne
Whisper’ Activity Feature Editor


  1. Dear Jack,

    Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts with our Whispers' community. We hope to provide a variety of experiences and thoughts for both our contributors and readers. I really appreciate all that you and Inge are doing for me and others.

    Blessings always,

  2. Hi Jack we have a thriving poetry scene on the Isle of Man, I have taken part in open mic events and will be reciting some of my limericks at an Irish night next month. I'm not part of a writing group but i do perform occasionally with a group of like minded humorous poets where we raise money for charity:-) jan xx

  3. Hi Jack, yes I can empathise with public speaking nerves. I also agree how supportive the friendship of poetry groups can be. Keep up the great work you are doing. BFN

  4. Jack,
    I don't do writing groups anymore, but I do like to attend at least 2 poetry readings a month. Performing your poetry and seeing the audience reactions are just as rewarding, I believe.
    Your friend,
    David Fox

  5. Dear Jack, enjoyed reading your thoughts, my friend! I must admit that I wasn't shy when I had my first reading many years ago and the last also years ago in Poland at an arts exhibition. But I'm also not so keen to read in public, although I had nice reactions from the audience. We don't have a writing group here and I'm also the only one listed as a writer and poet in our area. Love from Gert

  6. Thanks, Jack. I liked your thoughts on poetry reading. Thanks Karen, Jan, David. & Gert for your nice comments. I only attended two poetry readings in my life. The first was an extract money from me for talent I had not yet developed, & the 2nd was to poetry reading where I could not read my own......Knight Writer

  7. Jack, you are a lovely man and an inspiration. Thank you for all you do on behalf of poets.

  8. Dear Jack,

    I can imagine joining a poetry can both be inspirational and inspirational. Personally, I'm not a member of one of these groups thought I joined several Facebook Group who also have the same goal, namely the love for the written word. I have written with several other poets, including you and Gert, and I think writing collaborative poetry is fun and rewarding. I was also insecure at first but can heartily agree with you 'give it a go'


  9. Thanks for all the great responses!

  10. Jack,

    Thank you for all you do here at Whispers and beyond.

