Saturday, June 18, 2016

Nostalgia--By Katt Gold--Canada


Do you remember?

Long nights drifting into morning,
Glorious rainy days,
Dancing and splashing through the street?

Spur of the moment camping trips,
Bodies draped to and fro,
Laughing through the night.
Being Young and carefree.

Do you remember?

The wonder and hope?
Young love and broken hearts?
How time stood still?

We thought we'd always be how we were then,
yet here we are...

Katt Gold is a writer and poet from Canada's beautiful and inspiring East Coast. 


  1. Katt,
    A beautiful way to capture our youth. Not sure if you are new to Whispers, but welcome if you are.
    Your new friend,
    David Fox

  2. Lovely write, Katt. Thank you for sharing it and continued blessings! If you are new to Whispers, welcome.

    -MJ (

  3. Very nice, enjoyed it very much!

  4. I do remember. You have resurrected in all the senses, such cherished memories. Thank you for sharing Katt.

  5. You write beautifully Katt! We think we have all the time in the world, until it dawns on us that we just don't have enough time to get everything accomplished we would want to.
    I tell that to my four year old g.daughter now to prepare her to take advantage of all she can while young, as time flies by so fast. Great work! Blessings, Connie
