Thursday, April 6, 2017

The ballad...By ayaz daryl nielsen--United States

The ballad of our hearts
endowing and inhabiting
touching and melting
two who have met
taking the world in hand
forgetting nothing
forgiving everything
embellishing salt-sweetness
while turning love into ink.


The cauldron of sunset
Slight rain across the forest
A tree’s calm presence, its roots
deep under the surface of things,
hidden within earthen mold
and a mightier silence
A tree’s calm presence, 
a tree’s calm presence
A mightier silence of earth. 


ayaz daryl nielsen, veteran, former hospice nurse, ex-roughneck (as on oil rigs) lives in Longmont, Colorado. Editor of bear creek haiku (26+ years/135+ issues) with poetry published worldwide, he also is online at:  bear creek haiku poetry, poems and info 


  1. hooray for this guy!

  2. Good writing U.S. citizen Ayaz. I loved The penned ballad of two
    hearts as one. Great descriptive writing.

  3. yes, hooray for this guy - nice work ayaz….

  4. Greetings to "this guy"!
    This guy has enriched the Whispers' family with his fine poem.
    Thank you,

  5. This makes me want to fall in love all over again. Thanks Ayaz for this beautiful poem.
