Saturday, July 23, 2016

JUNE 17, 1991--By Jean Calkins--United States

JUNE 17, 1991

I opened a door into the night,
looked upward at the darkened sky
and saw the triad there—
an alignment known as rare—
Mars at the top, extremely shy,
Venus below, then to the right
was Jupiter, so large and bright
it seemed close by
and if I’d try
I might reach up and touch it now
suspended in the warm night air.
The crescent moon
would join them soon.
In my heart, I too, was there,
free as I’d ever be, somehow.
It seemed so right;
was the night.
Jean, at 82, has been writing poems since she was 18. For 25 years she published a popular poetry quarterly of up to 100 pages, with a subscribership of nearly 500. Illness in 1986 ended the magazine. She currently publishes, by email, a 2-page monthly of clean humor. Contact her at    


  1. A lovely poem, Jean, that put a smile on my face. Well done. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
