Thursday, July 7, 2016

Quiet Appreciation--By Lois Greene Stone--United States

Quiet Appreciation

Sunlight warms my skin,
while raindrops remind
me of summer sprinklers.
Snow on my eyelashes, and
autumn leaves clinging to
sweaters make me smile.
Cloud patterns constantly
Inside myself, as seasons
mark time, I stay the same:
content, and grateful. 

Published Fall/Winter 2006, Shemom

Lois Greene Stone, writer and poet, has been syndicated worldwide. Poetry and personal essays have been included in hard & softcover book anthologies. Collections of her personal items/ photos/ memorabilia are in major museums including twelve different divisions of The Smithsonian.


  1. A good place to be. I enjoyed your content and delivery, thank you for sharing, Ralph.

  2. Great piece Lois, so nice to see you here again. I could really relte to this piece.

  3. This poem resonates with me and fills me with gratitude. Loved the last four lines...Cloud patterns constantly
    Inside myself, as seasons
    mark time, I stay the same:
    content, and grateful.

  4. I'm liking this beautifully-written heart-toucher. Nice work, Lois. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
