Saturday, May 21, 2016

Firewall--By Ananya Dhawan--India


Familial affection
an abrupt resurrection
spoke volumes
of an overlooked 'firewall'.

When it (the fire) subtlety spread
jumping stages
and events abstruse
took hold of moments,
to me
the world was ornamental
to them
it seemed deliberately obtuse,
and forced withal.

Intricacies flooded
no one quit,
am still
the intended firewall.

Hailing from India, Ananya Dhawan is an avid reader and writes poetry and stories in her spare time, which reflects her deep fascination for Literature. She has a cheerful disposition, believes in living each moment to the fullest and shows keen interest in the sensitive side of life.


  1. Ananya,
    A good poem. Not sure if you are new or not, but welcome if you are.
    Your new friend,
    David Fox

  2. Love the fragmented style in this; the story is sharp and profound.

  3. Ananya, I enjoyed your poem, "Firewall." It has that intrinsic flow that puts a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing it and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  4. The poem is intense :) I liked it
