Monday, May 9, 2016

Sweet Revenge?--By Charlene McCutcheon--United States

Sweet Revenge?

I be rid
of temptation,
excessive sugar;
favorite comfort foods
that seemingly dull the pain
of doubt, fear, anger and malice
associated with offensive
behavior by those who say they love me?

and God's grace;
fear and hurt healed,
I won't take offense.
It is the greater sin!
Forgive as I'm forgiven,
seventy times seven; God's word!
Unforgiveness only adds insult
to injury, more anger and greater pain.

Charlene McCutcheon is a 73 year old, wife, mother of seven, grandmother of thirty and great-grandmother of 14. She has just discovered her voice through poetry within the last few years. Her former ways of expression have been through the media of arts and crafts. Her desire to share herself with others for their benefit has been the motivating factor in all her endeavors. She loves life, work, play and most of all people. 


  1. True but sometimes it takes a lot of time to reach that enlightened state.

    1. Thank you Neil! You are so right! Oh that it would happen as quickly as it took to write the poem on paper; nearly seventy seven years in writing it on my heart.

  2. Amen! Only the stronger ones forgive. Nice poem that touches.

    1. Thank you Ntchindi. I appreciate your comment.

  3. Hi Charlene, wonderful poem! God's word gives us the instructions, but we work out our own salvation step by step. Good message here! It's our choice to forgive, & when we do, it releases all the festering & heaviness! Thanks for sharing...God bless, Chris~

    1. Thank you Christine. You are so right. Forgiveness is a choice and a blessing for one who previously held a grudge. Unforgiveness is a huge burden that God can lift if we give it to Him. Thank you for your comments.
      Love, Charlene

  4. Hi Charlene. Your poem is appropriately titled and serves as a reminder of the goodness God shows us. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  5. I would just like to know the context of your poem, "shaken to the core". When was it written and what was going on in the world when you decided to write it.

    Thank you
