Monday, May 30, 2016

Haiku--By Ronald Grognet--United States

wedding party picnic
second line escort--
spring equinox

the wisdom of doubt
abandoned woman
not surprised

treed cat--
dog struts from
under the house

home from school
kitchen first
grandparents next

now and again
the urge to call mom—
long dead

Ronald Grognet is a retired Clinical Psychologist who practiced private individual and family therapy for thirty-five years. He lived and worked in Washington D.C., and Sarasota, FL before retiring in New Orleans to be close to his grandsons. Besides his volunteer time spent on disaster assignments for the Red Cross, he fills his time devoted to haiku poetry. His interest in poetry came as a gift in retirement. Reading an article about haiku filled with many examples, he recognized its similarity to the reflective stance of the meditation he practiced for many years. He has vigorously pursued its study for the last two years, personally experiencing its healing and enlightening qualities.


  1. Enjoyed this string of haiku, Ronald; I can well relate to the last two! Regards ~ paul

  2. Excellent. I enjoyed all of your haiku, Ronald. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
