Monday, February 27, 2017

No Song Unsung--By Valerie Macon--United States

No Song Unsung

We float in the backyard pool and sing,
my sister and I draped over neon blue
noodles, our mother, aged ninety three,
perched on a  shocking pink float
in snazzy tankini suit, glittered
ball cap, chunky shades;
a trendy trio with fresh blue manicures
stirring lazy ringlets in turquoise waters.

We pull up melodies from time’s creaky vault,
sing da, da, da where lyrics are lost.
When we were young, mom would
belt out a tune, tell us she missed
her chance on stage by fluke of fortune. 
Today she croons froggy vocals
with no less gusto, all those songs
we’ve sung through length of days.

Our notes float up, a cantata to bluebirds.

Valerie Macon lives in North Carolina, USA.  She enjoys growing food to feed the homeless and hungry, and started a garden for this purpose.  She shares her poetry in numerous venues. She has published three books of poetry, and donates profits from her book on homelessness,  sleeping Rough to the garden where all food is given away to the hungry.


  1. Dear Valerie,
    Your poem puts the reader "right" there.
    Thank you--enjoyed this tender poem.

  2. Valerie, I loved your poem, captures a great moement and I really enjoyed reading it very much!

  3. A wonderfully evocative poem. Vivid with summer colors and a true magnificat to summer memories growing up and on a deeper level to song, perhaps, to poetry itself, embroidered with the perennial bluebird of happiness. I love it.

  4. Valerie,
    Such inspiring words you have written here. I loved it! Welcome to Whispers if you are new, a warm welcome from me even if you are not.
    Your new friend,
    David Fox

  5. I really enjoyed your reminiscence of times past. I can just see your dear mother singing. Thank you for sharing a lovely poem. Charlene

  6. Valerie, Starting with the title, good all the way through. Brought
    back some memories for me.

  7. Congratulations Valerie! It is good to see you already have so many comments on your heartfelt poem. Welcome to Whispers! I hope you enjoy your time spent here. Best wishes with your writing.


  8. Valerie, I can see it happening as you are writing it! I really loved it.
