Monday, February 20, 2017


Dear Whispers Family,

The February writing activity has been, Using Simile and Metaphor in Poetry. Thank you to all who sent in submissions. This collection showcases your creative writing skills. Enjoy reading and using these tools of the poetic craft. Let poetry be fun!

Michael Escoubas, Whispers' Features Editor

Lost Within

In youth, her mind was an open field
sprouting musings as thought flowers
that mirrored her life.

Now, her mind is a dark stairwell
with memories like word shadows
melting into oblivion.

Mary A. Couch, United States

Stolen Time

The heat was oppressive
It was raining cats and dogs
It began in the early morning
time is a thief on the last day of holiday
Feeling blue they packed their bags
Looking longingly out the window.

Phyllis Babcock, Canada

Nocturnal Sightings

Walking home on a moonlit night,
head bowed against the bitter cold.
I notice the pretty silhouettes
under every bare-branched tree – 
the footpath an artist's sketchpad,
each tree like a filigree silver brooch.

Mary Gunn, Ireland.

Red roses in the garden

Somber thoughts clouded my mind,
As I sat calm on the garden bench.
While parting as a prickly thorn,
Pierced my tender gloomy heart.
Till the soul rested in tranquility,
And all the roses stained dark red.

Dr. Upma A. Sharma, India

Standing Tall

I am
New York skyline.
Buildings wink on and off
like patent leather
across a blinking sky.

Jean Colonomos, United States


Your heart pumps my blood
Your breath fills my lungs
Your voice is a song of immaculate beauty
I can feel your presence as though you are next to me 
I was lost in an abyss of emptiness
But you found me, filling that void with joy

Langley Shazor, United States


As a hummingbird, dazed by its crash,
begins to rise like a rickety kite,
the dog sees.  I would rescue the bird,
but my bedraggled shoes betray me. 
I twist about the post, fall headlong,
my back, a pretzel.

Elizabeth Howard, United States


Driving along as the day breaks
a neon sky paints the road peach,
sea gulls perform their sky-dance
fields and hedgerows sparkle
like frosting on a cake.

Annie Jenkin, England 


When I think of my unborn
I guess I will have a girl
Her eyes will be sparkling diamonds
And cheeks as red as apples
She will be the apple of my eye
Indeed, the light of my life!

(As per PNDT Act – the sex determination of foetus is illegal. A woman in India is not told till she delivers – whether it is a boy or a girl. In this poem – I am sharing the thoughts of a mother)

Archana Kapoor, India

Hurry Sundown

Clouds float and play like a litter of white Poodles
tumbling and twisting over the Gulf
until the wind, an errant shepherd,
herded them toward the horizon.

Barbara Tate, United States

Under The Lock And Key

I replaced my losses,
I fixed the broken door.
My emotions as waves,
Ebbed and waned:
Like the unfixed shadows
of my dreams.

Ralph Stott, England

Does An Orange Get Sweeter In The Bowl

The navel oranges like my love looked divine
I purchased some perfect orange fruit for mine
Easy peel like taking off clothes stirring sweet scents
The lusciousness to be desired of a tasty treat
Divided into segments, plop, tart touched my soul
Question haunts newlywed, does an orange get sweeter in the bowl?

Sara Kendrick, United States

And the Fun Goes On

When the sun looks and rises with its smiling rays
Positive people welcome it warmly like bridesmaids
Standing in support of the bride and the best man
Making sure the groom’s wedding day pans out well
The bride’s gown might be blown inside-out by wind
Or the groom’s suit wholly dirty but the party goes on.      

Ndaba Sibanda, Kuwait.

My Hero

August birthday...
my father is a Leo
always lion hearted

Pat Geyer, United States

Cold February Rain

No one welcomed the rain
like a biddy aunt in velvet
tapping with gnarly knuckles.
This sly rain of overlays
ripples news on a street gutter
that remembers blizzard.

Tricia Knoll, United States


when the clouds like swift horses
secure every corner in the sky,
I become the orange splashed twilight.

but in the shade
night stands in waiting,
to let my dreams pass through in silence..

Gopal Lahiri, India

Red roses in the garden

Somber thoughts clouded my mind,
As I sat calm on the garden bench.
While parting as a prickly thorn,
Pierced my tender gloomy heart.
Till the soul rested in tranquility,
And all the roses stained dark red.

Dr. Upma A. Sharma, India

A Medallion Moon

A medallion moon adorns ebony skies,
as its limpid light pools
like a gleaming gold doubloon,
dangling dreamlike, under a
chandelier of sparkling stars.

Emile Pinet, Canada

Let's Go to the Local, Darling.

He's standing at the long, curved bar
Flirting with the pretty, blond barmaid
His wife’s face like white ice
Looking around for revenge
She who was sweet and lovely
Now a prowling tigress.

Isha Wagner, New Zealand

The Live Oak

Sprawling sixty feet high
gnarly limbs a ladder to heaven
poking holes in flimsy clouds
branching habit a tree-climber's dream
draped magnificently with Spanish moss
like curly grey furs.

Candace Armstrong, United States


Sometimes reality
is like ice rain
on a hot summer night
A sudden disillusion,
life is a fairytale,
remains to be a wicked lie 

Inge Wesdijk (Daginne Aignend) the Netherlands

Love’s Metaphor 

As the sun shows her beauty each day
You are even more delightful to behold
Like a summers day your warmth embraces me
Keeping me held close in your loving arms
I will surrender to your love only
For there is no other who compares

Glenda B. Frazier, United States

Return of Spring

With songbirds' trills
a heavenly heraldry
spring returns...
and I am Gaia
dancing to birdsong
with a tiara of daisies!

Angelee Deodhar, India 

Be my Valentine (Double Triodyne)

Eyes, blue velvet fine
Skin smells of turpentine
Please be my Valentine

Your smile, like a chime
Babe come with me to dine
Will you be my valentine?

Yancy Dalton, United States

Heavenly Vista

Light as a feather it fell last night.
Snow is a blanket of angel white
Joy to the children who walk to school
Shouting with glee at this endless pool
That covers the sidewalks and coats the fields.
Winter returns as early Spring yields.

Pam H. Murray, Canada


Like a cold winter day,
My memories freeze away
My memories fade, a dream
Is an enigma, or so it would seem.

David Fox, United States

The Bent Bard

a broken umbrella,
the rain pours on…
a drifter & a dreamer
lost between two words

Karen O'Leary, United States

Girl at Eventide

In twilight stillness shadows spray
like fans through crimson clouds and tops
of trees. Standing there sipping lemon tea
you are Van Gogh’s Girl in White
complete with yellow bonnet--
Dutch delight destined for the Louvre.

Michael Escoubas, United States


  1. wonderful collection bless you Michael and Karen ,love and light,

    1. So pleased you enjoyed and wrote for the activity, Angelee. You always add a touch of class.

  2. Dear Angelee,

    I agree with you. Michael has allowed our poetry journal to expand and offer continuing opportunities. Your poem captures so much in a few lines, my friend. Thank you for contribution to our activity this month.


  3. Mary's opening poem took my breath away!

    1. Dear Joan,
      Mary sets a high standard!
      Pleased you enjoyed the activity.

    2. Dear Joan,

      Thank you for you kind words for Mary. Your are right! Mary's poem is a wonderful lead off for this column.


  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Archana,
      The whole thing was fun! I love an element of fun when it comes to poetry.

    2. Dear Archana,

      Michael did a wonderful job putting these creative poems together. Thank you for your cultural and insightful contribution to this column. I hope you continue to enjoy being a mother.


  5. Michael,
    These were all great. Thanks for including me!
    David Fox

    1. Hi David,
      Thank you for your word of appreciation as well as for your poem Winter which was a great fit for the activity.

    2. Dear David,

      I agree. Thank you for sharing your thought-provoking poem for this collection Michael has gathered.


  6. Enjoyed reading this one..Very creative use of the idea of metaphor and simile..Sara

    1. So pleased, Sara, that you enjoyed the exercise as a whole as well as contributing a fine poem.
      Thank you,

    2. How poets paint a scenery with a few words!

      Thanks Michael for your effort

      All the best, Inge

    3. Dear Inge,
      So nice to have your comment as well as your poem for this activity. Yes! Our poets truly paint pictures with words.

    4. Dear Sara,

      Thank you for sharing your artistic view. I appreciate all you do for out poetry community.


    5. Dear Inge,

      Thank you for sharing your poem for this wonderful collection that Michael has gathered. Happy Writing!


  7. Great writer Mary A. Couch found "herself lost within" finding herself in the shadows of melting into oblivion. Very good Mary. Mean while Phyllis Babcock, found herself stuck in "Stolen time" spending more time on the raining of cats and dogs, making her blue. These Nocturnal Sightings, from the imagination of Mary Gunn, though
    cold, became a part of her sketch pad. very good you two. Red roses in the garden, by Dr. Upma A. Sharma had a thorn split his heart, staining the roses dark red. Great imagination. Standing Tall, was
    Jean Colonomos, being the New York skyline in his mind across a blinking sky. Langley Shazor, Was restored, as his gal found him, filling his void with Joy. Elizabeth Howard fell on her back, twisted like a "Pretzel". What a fall! Annie Jenkin, sighted "gifts"
    of sea gulls performing their sky-dance ike frosting on a cake. Wow!
    Archana Kapoor, Sharing thought of a mothers, "Unborn" thinking of
    girl with eyes like sparkling diamonds, the light of her life, but
    just as willing to have a boy. Such love! "Hurry Sundown" by Barbara Tate, finds clouds like white errant shepards, hearding the sun down toward the horison. Great imagination. Ralph Stott put the
    shadows of he dream "Under The Lock And Key" as he fixed the broken
    door. Sara Kendrick, asks "Does An Orange Get Sweeter In The Bowl" a
    Newly wed question! Astute writing. "And the Fun Goes On" with Ndaba Sibanda, a very good writer, describing suns smileing rays, and warm positive people, and wind interfearing but still, the fun
    and wedding goes on. I loved it. Pat Geyer, says on fathers August birthday, My father is a lion hearted Leo". "My Hero" Love it! Tricia Knoll Experienced a "Cold February Rain" Not welcomed, but
    but written about in shivering pain. Ouch! Like Gopal Lahiris, "Reverie" when the clouds like swift horses secure every corner in the sky, cold in the shade with night stands in waiting, to let his
    dreams pass through in silence. Emile Pinet shows us "A Medallion Moon" which adorns ebony skies under a chandelier of sparkling stars. Very Descriptive Emile. Isha Wagner, in "Let's Go to the Local, Darling" caught her husband flurting was sweet and lovely Now a prowling tigress. Oh boy! In "The Live Oak" Sprawling sixty feet high gnarly limbs a ladder to heaven, a tree-climber's dream, taught
    by Candace Armstrong, great teaching. "Disenchantment" as described by Inge Wesdijk on a hot summer night sees A sudden disillusion,
    of life is a fairytale, remains to be a wicked lie. Summer heat can
    get to us. Glenda B. Fraziers, shows "Love’s Metaphor" is Like a summers day your warmth embraces me, I will surrender to your love only For there is no other who compares. Love thrils me. So lets Investigat Angelee Deodhars, "Return of Spring" with the songbird
    thrills, dancing to birdsong with a tiara of daisies! Wow Wow!
    Ushering in Yancy Daltons Be my Valintine (Double Triodyne) she
    with aroma of Turpintine gal so fine. Toped by Pam Murry's "Heavenly Vista" of white fluffy snow picture esque as can be. But Pam is
    not the only one that writes about winter. David Fox, remebers
    it freesing his memoris away as an enigma, or so it would seem.
    Both great writing. But in "The Bent Bard" by Karen O'Leary found
    her a broken umbrella, as rain pours on a drifter & a dreamer
    lost between two words. Great thinking Karen. Last but not least
    is "Girl at Eventide" by Michael Escoubas, in twilight of shadow spray Van Gogh’s Girl in White, sipping lemon tea. What a day

    Knight Writer notes, by Yancy Lee Dalton

  8. Every one of the Simile and Metaphor were very good, so I comment on
    them all, in above writing.

    1. Dear Yancy,

      This is the first time I've ever seen anyone share so much in an effort to encourage others at Whispers. It is recognizing that our words, spanning many borders, matter is a hallmark of our online journal. Thank you for your kind words. Wishing you the best always.


    2. Thanks Karen, I love what writing does for each person who writes. It is an expression comming from their heart, as a
      unique child of God. I have reverence for each of Gods creation. I love reading their talents in writing.

    3. Dear Yancy,

      It is about a shared experience that honors the talent each contributor brings to our poetry community. I agree with you whole-heartedly. Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts and for sharing your gifts at Whispers.


    4. Thanks for these words to me, Karen. You have helped
      me grow as a writer, & now that I have the strength of
      my conviction. I will try to help Whispers in spreading
      your love and light.

  9. Dear Yancy,
    Thank you for this thoughtful, extended treatment of virtually every submission to the February activity. You are very kind; it has been a pleasure reading through your comments--and I DID read everyone of them!
    You are a blessing to the Whispers' family,

    1. Thanks Micheal, when I was a lot younger, I use to do this all the time on shadow poetry. I was knight Writer,
      writting around on my horseless mount, exploring in the adventure of reading great poets in their poetic art work.

  10. WOW! Wish I had been well enough to contribute. Every one of the poems were amazing and inspire a desire to try some of my own when I am feeling better. Michael, you are a great "Head of the Department of Activity of the Month". Thank you for all your hard work.

  11. Dear Charlene,

    Maybe you'll feel better to take part in the March's activity. Whispers is a shared experience, meant to be a balm to a writer's soul. Michael is doing a wonderful job as Features Editor. Thank you for acknowledging his gifts, expanding the Whispers' experience.

