Tuesday, March 14, 2017

agreeing on spring--By jani johe webster--(In Memory-May 2013)--United States

jani johe’s shared her unique style and insight which still leaves readers in awe.  But more importantly, she was a bright light in the writing community, always ready to support others in their journeys. Her words are butterfly’s wings. I am glad to have been able to call her my friend.  She is missed by many.          Sincerely, Karen O’Leary--Editor 

agreeing on spring

you know how you could feel the days
getting warmer
little by little
you could see the slight hesitating
the early morning hours
meeting in a coldness

in the late afternoon
you could see
how these hours
would find the new sunlight
and agree on spring

for another year

From Nila Webster--"jani johe webster, my beloved mother, wrote two poems entitled 'agreeing on spring.'  Both were written many decades ago, and both carry a sense of wonder at the miracle of spring.  The final words of this poem convey a longing and a fragility that is her trademark."


  1. Dear Jani "Agreeing on spring" is a different approach on the
    springing forth of spring. Where I live, this year fits your poem.
    Great take from your mothers view. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Dear Nila,
    Thank you for sending your mother's thoughtful poem steeped in the expectancy of the on-come of spring. So nicely done.

  3. A wonderful piece that is capturing how I am experiencing my first spring after living in the tropics for so many years. It really is incredibly accurate in title, form and content.
    Thanks for sharing her beautiful poems. Best, Suzanne.
