Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Power--By Jim Teeters--United States


A mighty magnet draws to itself
gravity holds our earth
together – keeps us in place

combustion or explosion
propels away – a volcano
blast flings ash everywhere

my breathing draws in
and sends out life
heartbeat of everyday

my arms enfold you
but they also let you go
a dance we dance
you and I becoming
who we are called to be
in this rhythm of power

Jim Teeters has published poetry in several anthologies. He conducts poetry workshops for children and adults and is active in poetry readings in the Seattle area through the Striped Water Poets. He is the author of six poetry collections and the book, Teach with Style, (ASTD Press July 2013). Jim is a retired social worker living in Kent, Washington.


  1. Dear Jim,
    I enjoyed your demonstrated ways to use Power. So true. Good all the way through. It even has a purpose rhythm of power. few writings can top this.

  2. Dear Jim,
    You have a way of conveying truth so gently we do not realize we're being taught! Power, indeed.
    Thank you,

  3. Jim,
    I liked his a lot!!
    Yours truly,
    David Fox
