Saturday, February 7, 2015

Haiku--By Gerald A. McBreen--United States

in the empty bed
the smell of you lingers
I hug your pillow

Gerald A. McBreen found poetry after he retired from the US Postal Service. He discovered he had a flair for romance. He has been publishing for ten years with True Romance and their related magazines. He is the coordinator for Striped Water Poets. They sponsor an “open mic” every first Wednesday of the month. They also post 'Poems on Posters' around the area. In 2009 Pacific, Washington celebrated its 100th anniversary, and he was appointed Poet Laureate. (2009 - 2013)


  1. Warm and passionate. Very nice. Thank you for sharing, Gerald. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  2. Gerald, what a lovely tender piece of Haiku. t quite enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing your talent.

  3. Thank you, Elizabeth Winchcombe, for the following--

    Anyone who's ever loved, knows this feeling when their loved one is absent for however long it may be.
