Monday, February 2, 2015

Nature’s Reflections--By John W. (Bill) Williams--United States

Nature’s Reflections

Simple things are miracles.
I hold them up to a mirror
     in praise;
with each reflection
I see the face of Nature…
simple things created
     by the Master’s hand:
like sunshine at the beginning
     of a new day,
     daffodils in spring,
and rainbows after a sudden rain.
Simple things are easy to find:
I see them in the meadows of wildflowers;
I hear them in melodies of birds…
when I reach out to Nature’s Miracles,
     it matters not the season.
I always find perfect and simple gifts…
silent reflections waiting to be discovered.

John W. (Bill) Williams is a retired language arts and children’s literature educator.  He lives in Martin, GA, where he stays busy with his art and poetry.  He has been published in a variety of venues.


  1. Thank you for your lovely poem. God's creation is filled with beauty, & makes one's heart leap for joy! Nicely said! ~Chris

  2. Hi John. I love your warm, sentimental writings. They always put me in mind of good memories. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  3. John, thank you for sharing this lovely, well written poem so full of imagery. I really enjoyed it.

  4. By reading you, your words tell the reader that 'you do' stop and smell the roses. So many are too busy to enjoy the simple things in life. I am happy 'you do'...Rhoda

  5. Enjoyed reading this one that speaks as a testimony of your faith..Sara

  6. Thank you, everyone, for your lovely comments. I will send them to John. John, your faith shines through your words as it is so much a part of who you are. I like how you weave nature into your inspirational message. Keep up the good writing.

