Friday, June 22, 2018

Erinnerungen/Memories--Bilingual Poem--By Gert W. Knop--Germany

Erinnerungen (German)

Die Lichter längst gelöscht
in träumenreicher Nacht.
Jetzt am späten Nachmittag
flutet Licht von draußen den Raum
mit länger nicht gehörten Melodien,
jedoch oft geträumt.
Erinnerungen bleiben,
Die Zukunft lebt von Erinnerungen,
eine Zukunft ohne Erinnerungen
ist wie ein blind gewordener Spiegel.
Aber die Hoffnung bleibt,
lässt alte Bilder langsam verblassen
in neuen Träumen

Memories (English)

The lights have long been cleared
in dreamy night.
Now in the late afternoon
light from outside floods the room
with longer not heard melodies,
but often dreamed.
Memories stay,
The future lives on memories,
a future without memories
is like a mirror that has become blind.
But the hope remains,
makes old pictures to fade slowly
in new dreams

Gert W. Knop was born in 1943, studied arts and tropical agriculture and is now living in Zittau, Germany. He writes poetry and short stories in German, English and Spanish.


  1. Dear Gert,
    Very good poem. I love this truth recorded
    Knight Writer

    1. Dear friend, Thank you for your uplifting comment and have a great weekend!


    2. Thanks Gert,
      I believe I will by spending some time here on whispers.
      Knight Writer

  2. love this, my friend - & always enjoy seeing it in a different language

  3. Hello Gert. What a lovely poem. I especially love the following lines:

    "The future lives on memories,
    a future without memories
    is like a mirror that has become blind."

    Those lines really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing. Continued blessings!

