Monday, June 11, 2018

Prawdziwe fantazje--By Eliza Segiet--Poland (Translation By Artur Komoter--United Kingdom)

Prawdziwe fantazje--Polish
(To Professor Bogumila Rouba)

By Eliza Segiet

Jakże łatwo odpocząć
w samotności rozmytych myśli.
Zostawić plany,
być tam -
poza realnym czasem.
Tylko ja
i moje prawdziwe fantazje.
Być wolną,
a jednak
uwięzioną w ustach pulsującej natury.
Tylko odpływ
odkrywający nagość plaży
przypomina, że
czas płynie.

Eliza Segiet, Poland

True Fantasie
(To Professor Bogumila Rouba)

Translation by Artur Komoter--United Kingdom

How easy it is to rest
in loneliness of fuzzy thoughts.
To leave plans behind,
to be there -
beyond real time.
Just me
and my true fantasies.
To be free,
trapped in the mouth of pulsating nature.
Only the low tide
revealing the nudity of the beach
reminds that
time flows.

Eliza Segiet graduated with a Master's Degree in Philosophy, completed postgraduate studies in Cultural Knowledge, Philosophy, Arts and Literature at Jagiellonian University, as well as Film and Television Production in Lodz. Author's works can be found in anthologies and literary magazines worldwide

(From Inge Wesdijk--Whispers' Poetry Editor--Eliza is published in English though she writes her poetry in Polish; Artur Komoter is her translator.)


  1. what a lovely poem & so nice, as always, to see how it looks in another language

  2. Thank you, Eliza, for your heartflt poem! I hope you will send in more in the future.

    Best wishes,

  3. Eliza, thank you for sharing your well-written and beautiful poem. Thank you as well for the translation. Continued blessings!


  4. Well said Eliza, So true
    Knight Writer

  5. The descriptive images enhance the reader's ability to envision the experience from your poetic viewpoint. Emile.

  6. Dear Eliza,

    It is good to see you have so many kind thoughts on your publication. Congratulations and Welcome to Whispers! It is so good that you have a translator gives us that joy of reading your words at our online journal. I do have a language converter and Polish is one the languages that allows you to read your comments and share in the joy of having you with us.

