Monday, October 27, 2014

My Darling Ann--By Robert Hewett Sr.--United States

My Darling Ann  

Blow Wind, Blow, this hull’s gonna hold,
Pitch and Dive, crackle boards and roll,
Roaring waves twisting us askew,
I must  save  boat, cargo and crew.
Blow Wind, Blow Devil that you are
My darling Ann calls from afar.
All through the night the fierce wind roared
Trying to break every board.
Wheel in a death grip, sweat filled eyes.
Feet tied to floor, let go crew dies.
Ride this storm sailor by your hand.
Take me home to my darling Ann.

Below sailors prayed for their lives
All fearing  death with the boat’s dives.
As the old boat heaved, rocked and rolled.
They prayed  the Captain’s grip would hold.
Sea quieted, yielding to Captain’s hand. 
He came home to his darling Ann.

Robert Hewett Sr. was born in 1933 on a Texas cotton farm. He moved to Oklahoma City at Age 14 and entered the U. S Army from there in 1953. Robert has been writing poetry and short stories for his family and himself since his teen years, but is just now publishing his collection of works. His hobbies include writing poetry and stories; clock and watch collections; gardening and growing flowers and shrubs from cuttings. Most of his poetry tells a story, a gift from his father who was a master story teller. He has received numerous awards for his work in his professional life and for his writing. You can find some of his writings at ""


  1. Robert, your romantic poems always touch my heart. Thank you for again sharing your talent in this well written poem.
    Sincerely, Charlene

    1. Charlene you make me feel good about my poetry with your comments. Thank you from my heart. Robert

  2. Thank you, Robert Dufresne, for the following--

    I so enjoyed your poem Robert. Read it a few times and felt I was back in the Navy on that 150 ft wooden minesweeper that bobbed around like a cork in tempest. Great job of it! Thanks for sharing it.

    Bob D

    1. Hi Bob D;
      I don't think I could survive as a sailor, flying a small Army airplane was close enough. Thanks for reading and commenting on my poem. Bob

  3. Robert,

    Hahaha so thats it all ended. I was afraid and am happer he went to see his darling. Thanks for sharing.


    1. I like good endings Frances, glad you also like happier outcomes. Robert

  4. Hi Robert. Thank you for sharing "My Darling Ann." I was entwined in every line and verse. Nice job. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (

    1. Thanks Rev MJ, as a writer this has always been a favorite of mine. If you want to read the long version you can do so at " Bob
