Monday, October 20, 2014

Tree Whispers--By Joan McNerney--United States

Tree Whispers

Blue diamond rains
filigree of golden light
so many shades of green.

Sun beams on a single leaf.
This small star pulsating
from my wet apple tree.

Bright new leaf
fits hand perfectly---the future
lies in your palm.

After the long rain
pine trees bending
with cones.

Sugar maple trees
sashaying with autumn winds
all dressed up in yellow lace.

Branches etch evening sky
turning razzle dazzle
purple red citron.

Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary magazines such as Camel Saloon, Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Blueline, Spectrum, and included in Bright Hills Press, Kind of A Hurricane and Poppy Road Anthologies.


  1. yowsa for Joan MeNerney!

    1. Ms McMerney - spelling your name right - (I mean, McNereny)

  2. Joan, how I love the trees! They are so filled with life and reach the most glorious heights and color unique to their own! Beautiful poem! Sheri

  3. Hi Joan! Your string of tree whispers comes with beautiful imagery that appeals to the senses; very much enjoyed. // paul

  4. Dear Joan,

    It's good to see you already have three wonderful comments on your poem. Welcome to Whispers. I hope you enjoy your time spent with us. Best wishes with all your writing endeavors.


  5. Hello Joan, I love the way you've painted a picture with nature. It's a beautiful poem. Though I have never seen an apple or maple or pine trees in real being in a topical country like India, your images form a great picture in my mind. Lovely poem!


  6. This poem is just gorgeous, Joan! I especially like the imagery at the beginning. Reading your poem takes me back to when I lived in the country.

  7. Hi Joan. I love the colors and images in "Tree Whispers." Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  8. thank you all very much. many times I think no one but the editor is actually reading my poem but these affirmative remarks make me believe differently. this has been a great boost to my morale.
