Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Waves--By Phyllis Babcock--Canada


Forever relentless,
always receding

with all of it's power
pushes hour after hour

Unending sounds
carried on the wind

rolling in rhythmic beat
pounding beneath the feet

It rolls in like thunder
and rolls back under

Life resembles the waves
Times of lull then explosions

Phyllis Babcock was born in Saskatchewan, Canada in 1951 and currently resides in Regina with her husband. She has been blessed with two wonderful sons and daughter-in-laws. She has two grandsons and two granddaughters. She started writing poetry in 2004 and joined Poetry Soup site in 2006. She has been published in two anthologies, On Butterfly Wings and Snippets. Her work has also appeared on and in a local seniors’ newspaper. She feels writing has been a wonderful journey, meeting many new poets and writers along the way.


  1. Dear Phyllis I loved the poem. Even before I read the last stanza I was thinking that it could apply to our lives. I was pleasantly surprised that you resolved the poem by relating the ocean waves to life. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
    Love, Charlene

  2. Hello, Phyllis! Your poem is a clever metaphor to how life rolls and moves! I could almost feel the angry waves in their dance grinding and thrusting in its expression of confusions and upset! Fabulous, my friend! Sheri

  3. Well written, Phyllis! Great metaphor!

  4. Wonderful poem Phyllis. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Thank you, Robert Dufresne, for the following--

    Phyllis, you had me rocking and rolling with the surf in this one. Good job of it. Enjoyed.

    Bob D

  6. excellent descriptions, my friend. Hope you are well and have a great week xx

  7. Nice work, Phyllis. I really enjoyed the adventure illustrated in "Waves." I agree, waves are like many things we face in our life. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  8. Thank you, Phyllis Babcock, for the following--

    I would like to thank everyone for all the comments made on my poetry. It is always uplifting to receive them.

  9. Dear Phyllis,
    Hi Phyllis,
    I have been reading your beautiful poems for long. My favourite is ' A Whisper on the Wind.' The personification is so alive in it.
    I am an author of school text books in India. My books teach English language skills to school children all over India. I am very keen to use' A Whisper on the Wind.' as an example to teach the skill of personification to children.
    May I have your permission to reproduce the poem? I will, of course, acknowledge your contribution in the book.
    Please let me know if I have your permission. My email is
    Best wishes and regards,
    Sutapa Basu
