Monday, October 27, 2014

What Is Poetry?--By Jim Teeters--United States

What Is Poetry?

In the beginning was the Word
           -John 1:1

It’s only words
words only, yes
that only – but wait

an arrangement of words
            offers meaning
            word pictures, really
how a pond can be your life
how a branch of the elm
can tell a story
of being cut off from love
lopped and fallen
            now just a lonely stick
        that only

Jim Teeters has published poetry in several anthologies. He conducts poetry workshops for children and adults and is active in poetry readings in the Seattle area through the Striped Water Poets. He is the author of six poetry collections and the book, Teach with Style, (ASTD Press July 2013). Jim is a retired social worker living in Kent, Washington.


  1. Jim, I loved your description of what poetry is. Thank you for sharing a super word picture.
    Sincerely, Charlene

  2. Thank you, Robert Dufresne, for the following--

    This is a cool way to describe poetry, Jim. Thank you for sharing it.

    Bob D

  3. Wow! I love the way you have weaved a poem just like that. Your style is so refreshing and beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Jim.


  4. Nice job, Jim. I enjoyed reading and meditating upon "What Is Poetry?" I like the unique tone and structure of it as well. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  5. Thanks for such sweet WORDS - that only :-)

  6. Jim,

    Very descriptive and expressive work..A unique well thoughtout poem..

