Tuesday, April 26, 2016

In Tandem--By Alice Couch--United States

In Tandem                                                                        

Two black blurs                                                          
chase their tails,                                                          
each other,      
a wiffle ball,                                                               
my poet’s pen.

They whirl away,
twin balls of fur,
safety in numbers,
my poet’s pen,
a hostage.

Alice Couch is a retired nurse’s aide who spends her days playing with her dogs, Nibby and Squeakie, while writing poetry for her three children, four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and four great great-grandchildren.  One of her stories published in Living with Children. She studied yoga and Buddhism and has a gift for blending the rational approach of the Western mind with the deep spiritual wisdom of the east in her poetry. She was named Noblesville’s Senior Poet Laureate in 2012.