Tuesday, April 5, 2016

In Times of Trouble--By Mary Jo Balistreri--United States

In Times of Trouble
            after psalm 27

Lord are
my light and
my salvation.
You came to my aid
through the voice of a friend
suggesting we write a prayer-
poem each morning. I was empty
and hurting, full of guilt and self-doubt.
You held my heart and dressed my wounds. Praise God.

Mary Jo Balistreri has two books of poetry published by Bellowing Ark Press and a chapbook by Tiger's Eye Press. She has more recently been enjoying learning and writing haiku type poems. She finds it helps her see differently and experience life in a new way. For more information, please visit her at maryjobalistreripoet.com


  1. Wonderful and inspiring piece, Mary Jo. What a delightful and inspiring poet you are. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (www.tgbtgpublictions.com)

  2. Love your poem Mary Jo. The Lord is my light & salvation also. Praise His name. God bless you!

  3. Thank you so much--all of you. Your comments of affirmation are
    such a blessing.

  4. voice of a friend
    suggesting we write a prayer-
    poem each morning
    nicely done ,keep writing ,love and light angelee

  5. Jo,

    Love the entire piece--wonderful devotional door -- with you all the way in poems based on the Psalter. Feel close to you, feel close to God.

  6. Thank you, Michael. I feel the same.

  7. Love your poem about how prayer can change us with ways we cannot imagine.
